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Organic Lemon
Organic Lemon
Our Organic Lemons offer a burst of fresh and tangy flavor, packed with vitamin C to boost your immune system. And guess what? The rind is actually the healthiest part! Also making the perfect edition to any hot drink, baked good, and smoothie! Don't miss out on this tangy and nutritious fruit - add them to your cart now!
Bonus Info :
•Lemons contain several vitamins and minerals-
Vitamin C: An essential vitamin and antioxidant, vitamin C is important for immune function and skin health.
Potassium: A diet high in potassium can lower blood pressure levels and have positive effects on heart health.
Vitamin B6: A group of related vitamins, B6 is involved in converting food into energy.
•The main plant compounds in lemons-
Citric Acid: The most abundant organic acid in lemons, citric acid may help prevent the formation of kidney stones.
Hesperidin: This antioxidant may strengthen your blood vessels and prevent atherosclerosis — the buildup of fatty deposits (plaque) inside your arteries.
Diosmin: An antioxidant used in some drugs that affect the circulatory system, diosmin improves muscle tone and reduces chronic inflammation in your blood vessels.
Eriocitrin: This antioxidant is found in lemon peel and juice.
D-limonene: Found primarily in the peel, d-limonene is the main component of lemon essential oils and responsible lemons’ distinct aroma. In isolation, it can relieve heartburn and stomach reflux.
Bag Servings:
3 Servings Per Bag
Serving Size About 0.10oz (Freeze Dried Weight)
Organic Lemon.